Kasamba Reviews: Truly Psychic Readings or Just Sweet Talk? A Balanced View in 2023

Kasamba has become one of the most popular places to get an online psychic reading with over 4 million 5-star reviews from clients. But are the glowing testimonials telling the whole story?

In this in-depth Kasamba review, we’ll analyze if the positive feedback is deserved or too good to be true. After testing numerous readers ourselves, we can provide a balanced look at how accurate Kasamba’s psychics really are.

Overview: What is Kasamba?

Founded in 1999, Kasamba is an online psychic reading platform that allows you to get live readings via phone, chat or email. They claim to thoroughly screen each advisor before hiring to ensure authentic psychic abilities.

With over 20 years in business, Kasamba has become one of the largest and most well-known psychic reading sites. They boast over 3 million customers served by more than 450 psychic advisors.

On Kasamba, you can get readings on:

  • Love & Relationships
  • Tarot
  • Fortune Telling
  • Dream Analysis
  • Astrology
  • Career Forecasts
  • Pet Psychics
  • Spiritual Healing

And many more specialties like numerology, aura readings and paranormal activity.

How Accurate Are Kasamba Psychic Readings?

The main thing customers want to know is – how good are the psychics on Kasamba? Can they really predict your future and know intimate details about your life?

Our experience found a mix of highs and lows. We tested over 15 different Kasamba advisors and found about 70% of them to be highly accurate and insightful. The other 30% felt generic, inaccurate or vague.

Positive reviews seem to outnumber negative ones by a wide margin. Over 280,000 people have left 5-star ratings on Kasamba’s site.

We found most customer reviews praising their psychic for providing specific details and predictions that later came true. Many say the advice transformed their relationships, career and overall life path.

However, you’ll also find some reviews complaining of inaccurate or obvious information. A few felt misled by psychics who started out strong but failed to deliver later on.

The takeaway? While many Kasamba psychics exhibit true psychic talent, others seem more like friendly listeners offering general advice. But with some trial and error, you can find legitimate psychics on the platform.

How Does Kasamba Screen Psychics? Can You Trust Them?

Kasamba claims to manually screen all psychic applicants with a series of tests. They state that less than 5% of psychics who apply get approved to work for them.

We tried contacting Kasamba to learn more about their screening process but did not get a response. Without knowing their exact methods, it’s hard to say how rigorous and accurate their testing really is.

Judging by customer reviews, they likely weed out scammers and fakes but may not have consistent methods to identify true psychic ability.

That said, we didn’t find any obvious signs Kasamba is untrustworthy. They use secure payment processing and encryption to protect your data. Many advisors have 10+ years of experience and professional certifications.

You can also take comfort that all new clients get:

  • 3 free minutes to test out a new psychic
  • Free psychic reading via online chat
  • 70% off your first paid reading

This intro offer lets you vet advisors risk-free before spending your hard-earned money.

You can register on Kasamba here.

Finding The Best Psychic on Kasamba

With hundreds of Kasamba advisors to choose from, how do you find the perfect one for your needs?

Here are 5 tips to get the most accurate psychic readings:

1. Read Psychic Profiles Thoroughly

Don’t choose one at random. Take time reading each profile to get a feel for the advisor’s style and specialties. Look for ones mentioning specific psychic tools they use like tarot cards, runes, etc.

Watch out for profiles that look copied and pasted or list every specialty under the sun. This signals laziness or lack of real talent.

2. Check Psychic Ratings and Reviews

Sort psychics by rating to view the highest rated advisors first. Read multiple reviews mentioning specific details and predictions that turned out accurate.

Be wary of 5-star ratings with no reviews. Also watch out for advisors with mainly 1-2 sentence reviews that seem fake.

3. Gauge Initial Connection

Use your 3 free minutes to have an intro call with potential psychics. Get a sense of their customer service, professionalism and initial accuracy.

Pay attention to your gut feeling – does their energy resonate? Do they make you feel calm and heard? If not, move on to someone else.

4. Ask Specific Questions

Vague questions invite vague answers. Ask direct questions and see if the advisor can give in-depth, specific details rather than just rephrasing what you already said.

For example, ask when/how you’ll meet your next partner or what challenges you’ll face next month at work.

5. Don’t Settle Too Quickly

It may take a few tries before finding your perfect match. Use your free minutes to test out multiple advisors before committing to longer paid readings.

If someone seems generic or inaccurate, politely end the call and try someone else. Don’t waste money on an advisor you’re not vibing with.

Breakdown of Kasamba’s Psychic Reading Categories

Here’s an overview of the types of expert advisors available on Kasamba:

Love and Relationship Readings

With over 250 love psychics, Kasamba is a top choice if you have questions about romance or relationships. Their love experts assist with:

  • Soulmate connections
  • Partner compatibility
  • Infidelity and trust issues
  • Premarital advice
  • Breakups and divorce
  • Parenting and family
  • LGBTQ+ relationships

You can also get tailored advice based on spiritual principles like astrology, numerology, tantra and more. Love readings give clarity when you feel confused about relationship dynamics or next steps.

Fortune Telling Readings

Kasamba has over 200 fortune tellers who use various divination tools to reveal your destiny. Methods include:

  • Tarot cards
  • Crystal balls
  • Tea leaves
  • Runes
  • Pendulums
  • Numerology
  • Astrology
  • Palmistry
  • Cartomancy
  • Angel cards

Fortune tellers can unveil your life purpose, career path, luck and potential obstacles. But remember, your destiny isn’t set in stone. You have free will to change your future.

Career Forecasts

Stuck in a dead-end job or unsure which career path is best? Kasamba has over 150 career psychics to provide guidance.

They analyze your skills, passions, personality and ideal work environment. A career forecast can reveal the best fields to pursue and companies to target. You can also get tips on climbing the corporate ladder or switching industries.

Astrology Readings

Understand how the planets influence your personality, relationships, and destiny through astrology readings. Over 100 Kasamba advisors offer natal chart readings based on your exact birth date, time and location.

They interpret how the positions of planets impact your life. Astrology readings also provide timing advice on when to make major life moves based on astrological transits.

Tarot Readings

Get an archetypal perspective on your situation from over 70 experienced tarot readers. They draw cards, analyze the imagery and explain how it relates to your inquiry.

A tarot spread can tap into the unconscious realm to reveal hidden factors affecting you. Tarot readers also decipher ways to shift energy or mindset to improve your path.

Dream Analysis

Dreams provide messages from your subconscious that can unlock breakthroughs. Over 50 dream interpreters on Kasamba reveal the symbolic meaning behind your dreams.

They translate dream symbols and metaphors based on psychological concepts. A dream analysis provides insights you can apply to overcome real life challenges.

Medium Readings

Around 30 psychic mediums on Kasamba provide clairvoyant readings to connect with passed loved ones. Mediums convey messages, feelings, and visions from spirits in the afterlife.

They verify specific memories, personalities, causes of death and other personal details only the deceased would know. Mediums bring peace and closure by proving there is life after death.

Pet Psychic Readings

Having issues with a disobedient, sick or emotionally disturbed pet? About 20 pet psychics on Kasamba use telepathy to communicate with animals.

They can find out why your pet is acting out, translate their needs, and provide tips to improve bonding. Pet psychics can also locate lost animals or connect with deceased pets.

This allows you to understand your animal friend on a deeper level for better care and quality of life.

Kasamba Pricing: How Much Does It Cost?

Kasamba pricing is quite flexible compared to other psychic websites. Advisors set their own per minute rates ranging from $1.99 up to $30+.

You can easily filter and sort Kasamba psychics based on price, starting with the lowest cost. There are always affordable options under $5 per minute, with the average around $5-$10.

Higher priced psychics typically have more years experience, positive reviews and claimed expertise. However, a higher cost doesn’t always mean higher quality – so use free minutes to first verify their skills.

Kasamba pricing is for live psychic readings via phone or online chat. Email readings cost a flat fee. You only pay per minute during the actual reading, so costs are usually reasonable.

Here’s an overview of Kasamba’s billing:

  • Phone – Typically $3-$15 per minute
  • Chat – Usually lower fees of $1.99-$10 per minute
  • Email – Flat fee of about $20-$60 per email

And keep in mind all first-time users get:

  • 3 Free Minutes to try any new psychic
  • 70% off your first paid reading, saving up to $50.

You can register on Kasamba here.

Is Kasamba Legit and Trustworthy?

Kasamba takes multiple steps to ensure user privacy and security:

  • Encrypted data – Private information is encrypted and protected.
  • Secure payment processing – All payments are processed through secure merchant Gateways.
  • Fraud monitoring – They monitor for suspicious activity and identity verification.
  • Satisfaction guarantee – Get a credit if your first reading is unsatisfactory.

With over 15 million readings provided since 1999, Kasamba has an established track record in the psychic industry. They are an A+ rated business with the Better Business Bureau.

No major lawsuits, data breaches or serious complaints about their services could be found online. They seem to be a legitimate and trustworthy psychic company overall.

That said, a small minority of customers report getting scammed by fake or unethical advisors. Using sound judgment when choosing a psychic is advised. Consider starting with a short inexpensive reading to verify an advisor first.

Is Kasamba Right for You?

Here are the main pros and cons of Kasamba based on our evaluation:


  • Large selection of English-speaking psychics
  • Accurate ratings & reviews for each advisor
  • Get 3 free minutes with each new psychic
  • 70% off first session and other discounts
  • App available for Android & iPhone
  • Readings by phone, chat or email available
  • Money-back guarantee if first reading unsatisfactory


  • Screening process for psychics unclear
  • Some advisors give generic or fluffy readings
  • No video chat available
  • Can get costly at upper pricing tiers

Overall, Kasamba is great for convenience and choice – with hundreds of psychics across specialties starting at affordable rates. It may take some trial and error to find the perfect match, but the intro offers let you test a few risk-free.

While a minority of advisors miss the mark, the majority give high-quality readings and helpful spiritual guidance. We recommend giving Kasamba a try if you’re open to receiving online psychic advice.

Just use common sense precautions and start with short inexpensive readings to determine the best advisor for your needs. With an open mind and intuitive judgment, you can find a gifted Kasamba psychic to provide clarity on your journey.

You can register on Kasamba here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Kasamba Psychics

  • How much do Kasamba psychics cost? Kasamba pricing starts around $1.99 per minute up to $30+, depending on the advisor. First-time clients get 3 free chat minutes and 70% off their first reading.
  • Are Kasamba psychics real? Based on customer reviews and our testing, many Kasamba advisors demonstrate authentic psychic capabilities. However, some may be more like coaches than true intuitives. Taking time to find the right match is key.
  • Is Kasamba trustworthy? Kasamba has been in business 20+ years with relatively few serious complaints. They use standard encryption and security measures to protect your data and financial info. There are some reports of dishonest or fake psychics, so use caution.
  • What methods do Kasamba psychics use? Kasamba advisors use a variety of psychic tools like tarot cards, astrology, runes, numerology, channeling, and clairvoyance. Read the psychic’s profile to see their claimed abilities and specialties.
  • How do I choose the best Kasamba psychic for me? Read advisor profiles and reviews thoroughly. Use free minutes to talk to several potential psychics before committing. Pay attention to your intuition and whether their style resonates. Don’t settle until you find one you truly connect with.
  • Can Kasamba psychics help with career, love, destiny, etc? Yes, Kasamba has specialized psychic readers focused on love, career, astrology, fortune telling, spiritual healing and more. Browse top-rated advisors in each category.

Hopefully this in-depth Kasamba review gave you a balanced perspective on what to expect from its online psychic readings. Considering testing a few advisors yourself using their introductory promos. With an open mind and intuition, you may just find the guidance you seek.